Sunday, June 23, 2013

Back in Action!

I apologize to everyone for my break in blogging. Life happens and I let other obligations take priority to time I could have spent writing to ya'll. :) For many of us, I know this typically happens with gym routines, meal planning, and overall fitness/health goals. The key to success in all aspects of life is MAKING time and MAKING priority for what is important. Needless to say, I am back in action with my blog and I'm going to be finding my balance again with everything that keeps me on track, focused, happy and healthy.

How has your progress been coming along with your fitness goals? Another motivator to keep your focus is to track everything. From your workouts to your measurements. I would highly suggest to take pictures of your progress, log your meals and workouts, and watch your results happen. With your dedication, motivation, and hard work anything is possible!

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