Monday, July 1, 2013

Eat Clean. Train Mean. Get Lean.

Working in the fitness industry I've come to find that typically, when it comes to goals, nearly everyone mentions that they want to "tone up". Usually what I find also is that this means something differently for everyone. What does being "in shape" or "toned" mean to you? Is it a part of your goal?

Defining what you are looking for or what your goals mean to you is extremely crucial in finding which path to take to get you there. Being as specific as possible is going to help make your goals measurable and keep your motivation up! If you are new to working out, or need assistance in nutrition, it would be in your best interest to find someone who is professional and has the knowledge to share with you. Keep in mind your body/nutritional needs will be specific to you so it's important to find someone to guide you on your fitness journey to a healthier and happier life. Results are a lifestyle change, not something that will occur through a magic pill or happen over night. So remember to be patient, loving and kind to yourself as you are going through all of the changes.

Writing down positive sayings or mantras and keeping them in places you view often will also assist in keeping your positive, go-getter attitude running high. Also, I've kept some flash cards with mantras written on them in my pocket throughout the day for a little pick-me-up and it works great. So, make sure to write your goals as specific as possible (either save them with pen and paper or electronically), track your progress (measurements & photos), seek assistance if necessary, and keep your chin up because you are well on your way to a healthy, fit lifestyle.

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