Friday, August 9, 2013

H.I.I.T. High Intensity Interval Training

Some of you may be familiar with high intensity interval training (HIIT) if you're not HIIT describes any form of training that has one alternate between bursts of intense activity and periods of less intense activity, or even rest. An example of this would be sprinting on the treadmill at 90% of your max heart rate followed by an interval of a moderate intensity around 60-70% of your max heart rate.

Why is HIIT the new thing? How does it benefit you? Let me explain...

HIIT was developed by track coaches to better their athletes cardio endurance and has crossed over into the fitness community due to it's fat burning benefits. It has been found that HIIT has better fat burning capacity than most cardio programs out there. HIIT training is a better calorie burner throughout the workout which will improve your body's ability to metabolize fat for fuel through it's EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) after your workout is over.

Not only is HIIT going to help improve your rockin' bod, but it is also going to assist in having a healthier heart. It's not typical for individuals to change through their heart rate zones and push past their comfort level, but more intense training yields more intense results. Who wouldn't want that?
Typically HIIT exercises are focused more towards working your heart and pushing your heart rate zones. So another benefit to HIIT is that you don't necessarily need a set of weights or gym equipment to participate. A lot of the exercises included in HIIT training would be plyometric, body weight activities. Whether you are on vacation or just at home hitting the weekly grind, there is no excuse to not workout. You can HIIT anywhere. Get out of your comfort zone and get some results today! Happy HIITing!

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