Friday, August 23, 2013

Taking Care of YOU

How we view ourselves and our world will directly impact our fitness results. Think about it, if you sit there and talk bad about yourself, surround yourself with negative people who bring your morale down, think about the things you "can't" do - how likely do you believe you will be able to conquer your goals? In order to achieve success you must have the right mindset and the right approach. First and foremost, if you aren't happy with your body, your lifestyle or anything in general it's up to YOU to make it better. It might be scary, intimidating, frightening or whatever; however, stepping outside of your comfort zone to make progress on the situation is going to be essential to make any positive changes and see any results.

Another thing that drives me nuts, whenever someone talks negative about themselves. YOU NEED TO SHOW YOU AND YOUR BODY LOVE. Even if you don't necessarily like how your body looks right now, you should love and accept yourself the way you are. Slowly begin to change that stinking thinking attitude to one that is loving and accepting. Tell yourself 'I am well on my way to (insert your goal here)'. You have to begin somewhere, and progress (even slow progress) is still moving in the right direction - SO DON't GIVE UP. It saddens me when I hear others (including other fitness professionals) bashing on themselves. Remember to keep your chin up, love yourself, and you are well on your way to victory!

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