Friday, December 21, 2012

If you are what you eat..... Why Not be Super?

Did you know.... that the majority of your results are going to come from what you eat? Changes in diet are typically the hardest to make, but they are the most rewarding. If you are going to do it, why not do it right? It's also extremely hard to make choices in nutrition based on what the media says, the fad diets, etc etc. I will admit, that I love reading diet books - it's a guilty pleasure - but do I follow them? No. It's not about "dieting" "loosing 10 lbs in 10 days" or whatever the case may be. It is a LIFESTYLE change. That is one of the reasons I am extremely impartial to the HCG diet. This diet makes someone starve themselves while taking the drops, and with such a low caloric intake, they are not able to do any extra activities or exercise. Resistance training is SO important I can't even come up with a list of all the benefits that come with it, but here are a few: strengthens your bones, doing resistance training will strengthen your bones and help prevent Osteoporosis. Also, resistance training helps increase lean muscle mass. This will not only give you the desired "toned" appearance you may be looking for, but increasing your body's amount of muscle will also increase your metabolism dramatically. Who doesn't want to burn more calories faster? (**Insert cricket noises here**)
Have you ever read the book "Eat This Not That" - again, I had to check it out. However, I recall something about referring readers to get a Whopper VS a Big Mac (or vice versa) but the case in the matter is, if you are trying to get healthy and work on your body - you shouldn't be eating fast food! Period. Plus, what really caught my attention in the book was it didn't recall any references or list any of the nutrition information that is typically listed on foods. If you want to know what your eating, you should know EVERYTHING in it. 

Here's a little bit more positive talk on what will help you with your nutrition selections..Here are a list of Superfoods and  how they will change your life.

* Wild Salmon - the omega-3 fatty acids contained in this wild fish will assist your body in fighting body fat more efficiently. Salmon is loaded with healthy fats as well as protein packed that will assist your body in building muscle and assist in burning fat rather than storing it. 

* Quinoa -  this super grain is a complete protein that contains all of the essential amino acids that are needed to aid in muscle growth and recovery.

* Lentils - Legumes/lentils are a rich in resistance starch. They contain tons of fiber and may encourage fat burning and the shrinking of fat cells.

* Olive Oil - a healthy monounsaturated (good) fat is contained in olive oil. This healthy fat helps people burn fat rather than storing it.

* Eggs - there way too many benefits of eating eggs than I could possibly list in this blog, but here are a few reasons to not skip eggs with breakfast. Eggs contain 6 grams of high quality protein and 9 essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Most of it's vitamins and nutrients are found in the yolks.

* Sweet Potatoes - this is also a resistance starch that heats up your fat burning furnace! They also help the peptide hormone that aides in telling your body that it is full and to stop eating.

* Kiwi - contains 84 milligrams of vitamin C, which is more than a days quota. Vitamin C helps form canitine, which is a compound that transports fat in cell mitochondria, where it will be burned for energy during exercise. 
There are many more superfoods that will help you achieve success in obtaining the results you desire! When choosing food products, also limit the amount of ingredients that are listed on the package - the fewer the better - and also make sure to avoid the ingredients you cannot pronounce. :) 

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