Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Journey to a Healthier and Happier Life

Does your fitness journey resemble the dotted trail of the child on Family Circus? Ups and downs, yo-yo dieting, trying to find the magic pill that will give you the results you desire overnight... does this all sound familiar? Healthy living and getting the fitness results you desire is a lifestyle change, it’s not an overnight process. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it and it is possible. It takes 21 days to form a habit, and when you begin to not only feel better physically, but begin to physically get the results you desire, it won’t be difficult to keep going. The hardest part will be getting started, and deciding that you are worth the time, energy, blood, sweat and tears to get the results that you want.

For me, fitness and working out has always been extremely important part of my life. I've had times where I've worked out and worked my ass off and yet couldn't see the results I was looking for. It didn't make sense to me. I worked out 5 days a week, read fitness books and magazines, etc etc etc. What I didn't realize then what I do now, is those suggestions I was taking from the books and magazines I read worked for those individuals; however, they weren't working for me. Every BODY is different. We all tick a different way, and in fitness and health somethings will work for some people and for others it won't. So, at this point of revelation I found a trainer and asked for help. Years afterward, I mustered up the courage to get over myself - just because I am a woman doesn't mean that people won't take me serious - and get certified to help others and change their lives through fitness.

If you have fitness goals, need a little inspiration and someone to hold you accountable - I'm your gal! In starting my new blog and fitness page, I hope to spread a wealth of knowledge that will help you be successful in your own fitness journey.

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