Friday, February 15, 2013

Perfecting Posture

Someone may ask why it is important to get a trainer, have guidance and assistance during exercise, etc.... I will let you know that the reasons are ENDLESS. There are only benefits in finding someone help you hit your fitness goals, and hold you accountable for doing it.

Another reason is, making sure you have the correct form and teaching proper posture etiquette to assist in developing healthy habits to keep your bod in alignment. Did you know that the majority of back related injuries occur from people working out with incorrect form? How scary is that when you think of it, and how easy could all these injuries have been prevented? Prior to becoming a trainer, I was also unaware of all the exercises and stretches someone could do to strengthen their body and keep their back nice and straight. In the past, I refused to do shoulder exercises because I didn't want my shoulders to get bulky or look like the Hulk. Little did  I know that in strengthening the shoulders, it would assist me in keeping them straight, and not rounded, so that I may walk around with my shoulders back and full of confidence. Another key to obtaining great posture is working on muscle imbalances and strengthening core and stabilizing muscles to keep your bod lined up.

If you are already familiar with the gym, it's equipment, and set in your current workout routine, chances are you have reached a plateau where you are no longer getting results but just maintaining what you have. I would suggest at this point that you spice up your routine, get a trainer who can show you a new way of doing things, and try something new. NEWS FLASH: exercise science is growing on the daily, learn a new (proper) way to do things and you might surprise yourself. I was speaking to a member at the fitness facility I work at, and it was sad to say he was convinced that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.... to me I interpreted that he was satisfied with no longer achieving results, didn't have any fitness goals, and wasn't interested in doing things correctly.

If you are unaware of how your form should look, I highly advise finding someone who does who can assist you in it. Form and posture are crucial in avoiding injuries!

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