Friday, February 22, 2013

Water.... Our Body's Need for H2O

I understand that water may be super boring to drink compared to some sugary-high-caloric tasty beverage one may find at the grocery store. (I was looking at a regular fruit punch flavored Powerade the other day with 2 servings in the bottle it had 32 GRAMS of SUGAR per serving = 64 GRAMS/ 5 TABLESPOONS of sugar if one were to consume the whole beverage in one serving.) When eagerly attempting to be healthy, or if you are trying to lose weight, this will become a problem...

Water is vital to the body because our bodies are 70% water. We need to replenish and maintain our balance of bodily fluids. So, if you are killing it in the gym and have a serious sweat going, you my friend will need to drink even more water to keep your body hydrated.

Water also can aid in calorie control. If you are properly hydrated and keep drinking water, your body will feel more full and lessen your desire to snack between meals or eat something that may not be on your meal plan. Also, substituting water for those high calorie drinks will also aid in cutting back on some calories.

Water also helps energize your muscles. Therefore, if you are dehydrated and slacking in the water department, you will feel weak. Cells that do not maintain their balance in electrolytes tend to shrivel, and will lead to muscle fatigue. This will definitely become a problem when you are hitting the gym!

Water will also keep your skin beautiful. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Why wouldn't we want it to look beautiful and take care of it?! Drinking more water will approve the appearance of our skin. Dehydration will cause skin to appear more wrinkled and dry.

Water aids your kidneys in transporting waste out of the body. Our kidneys help cleanse our body of waste and toxins through urine as long as it has the fluids to help them out!

Typically someone should drink 3-4 Liters of water a day. If you think that you drink plenty of water, but aren't aware of how much you are taking in.... count! I have a half gallon water bottle that I carry around with me all day, and I make sure to fill it up twice!

*If you get bored of drinking water, you can always mix it up! I like to squeeze some fresh limes into my water jug, throw in some mint leaves, some thinly sliced cucumbers and have myself a tasty refreshing glass of h2O.

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