Monday, March 25, 2013

Did you take your vitamins today?

Since we were all kids and had our parents begging us to take these little suckers every morning, do you still remember to take your vitamins on a daily basis? And do you know just how important popping these nutrient dense tabs in the morning can help you reach your goals? Vitamins are essential for proper body functions and the body can only get these nutrients through diet - our bodies cannot make them.

Most of us do not know how much of our diet is supplementing our bodies needs for different nutrients. Not only is this the case, but if your body is 'hungry' for a specific nutrient it will make your appetite increase and may be counteractive towards your meal plan. So taking a MULTIVITAMIN is extremely important.

What is the craze with FISH OIL you may ask, and how may it benefit you? Well fish oil is an omega-3 fatty acid (the good kind!) and will help reduce over all inflammation in the body. Fish oil also aides in keeping the body's heart healthy, as well as has been shown to decrease levels of anxiety and depression. With that being said, who wouldn't want to take the anti-inflammatory, heart-healthy happy pill?

I don't know about you, but with experiencing the change of seasons my allergies are flaring. Something I have noticed with taking more VITAMIN C, is that my symptoms are more subdued and it's easier to breathe and feel more at ease. Vitamin C has been proven to be one of the safest and more effective nutrients that may not cure allergies or the common cold; however, it has been linked to protect against immune deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, and even skin wrinkling. It is suggested that 500 mg a day is a healthy dose to take it.

Find a vitamin that is a higher quality pill (or chew-able if you opt for that) and just make sure to get your daily dosage that will boost your immune system and help your body feel and work to it's potential. <3

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