Saturday, March 16, 2013

If You Think You Can, You Will

How many times have you caught yourself bombarded by your own negative thinking? It's sad, but true to say that you are the one who got yourself there and your negative thinking may be what is keeping you from a life of happiness and hitting your goals. YOU choose your own destiny and YOU make the choice to be happy.

So rather than talking down to yourself, and getting caught up in a slump. Talk yourself up! I am a big fan of mantras and positive self talk. When those nasty little negative thoughts begin to creep in your mind, counterattack them with some positive thinking. The biggest battle is going to be a mental one through your fitness journey. Life is wayyy too short to be mean to ourselves, and it makes a much nicer world to be more positive.

Remember, today you get to choose your attitude and what kind of day it is going to be. Life does happen and situations may come up that are out of our control, but you get to decide how you are going to handle them.

P.S. Don't forget to smile. :)

1 comment:

  1. "There isn't enough room in your mind for worry and faith.You must decide which one will live there."

    I heard this the other day and immediately wrote it down and stuck it on my fridge as a reminder :)
