Thursday, March 21, 2013

Personal Growth

This is a little off normal helpful hints/tricks/tips for optimum fitness health success that I usually write about but I was thinking to myself today... why do I blog? Welp, I like to write to aid in other's successes and motivate the world to be a healthier, happier, and live a life booming in confidence. Personally, I also like to learn, grow and become the person I was meant to be (healthy, happy, successful, confident, etc). Not only that but the person I WANT to be! Plus, my biggest passion is Health & Fitness.

As a part of my personal quest for knowledge and growth, I have jumped headfirst into a great many projects. I am busier than I have been, with a huge agenda, and I LOVE IT! Keeping busy is a great thing for me because it forces me to balance my schedule, plan, and make time for the things I need to. It forces me to make a choice - and (hopefully) make the right one at that. Not only that but I sleep better at night after a big day of all the days tasks. What I've also found extremely helpful in keeping my agenda organized, is I make a list in the morning of the big things that need to be accomplished that day (and the little things too, but they are noted differently on my list) and I check them off as the day goes.

So today, I want to ask you, what are you doing for your health and fitness? What are you doing to reach your goals? If you need more help or some more insight on what to do, where to go, etc. Find someone and ask (PS you can always ask me, I'm more than eager to help and I love meeting new people)

Step outside of your comfort zone today. Learn something new, do something you never thought you would have dreamed (no matter how big or small the task may be) it will help you grow as a person.

If you are interested in an at home approach you can always check out this website. It is full of fitness programs, meal replacement ideas, and knowledge that may assist you in accomplishing your fitness dreams. CLICK HERE
I'm not saying that this link is the only way. It's just many different routes one could choose. *Cheers* to your health!

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