Monday, October 28, 2013

Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition.

Ever heard the saying "you can't out exercise a bad diet?!?" If you haven't, now you have! Proper nutrition is going to be 70-80% of your results and that is whether your goals are losing weight or gaining muscle. It is extremely important that the energy we put into our bodies is the best source of fuel to optimize obtaining the results you are looking for. I cannot stress to my clients enough, that no matter how hard they work at the gym they will not lose weight if they are not eating correctly. Although, they tend to feel more energetic and stronger, they still fit into the same size jeans and the scale hasn't budged.... I will often ask each individual I work with what they ate for that day, how their nutrition is, or ask them to log their food. This is the hardest, but most important lifestyle change to be made and typically, only those who want it the most are willing to go to any lengths to get it.

You must MAKE time to plan your meals just like you MUST make the time to workout. I totally get that life happens, because trust me, it happens to me too. The time you take to suit up and show up will really make all the difference in the world. So just do it!

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