Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Marketing Monster Strikes AGAIN!

How many times have you walked down the aisles in the grocery store and thought "hey that sounds healthy, like it will help me reach my fitness goals"? (If you haven't had one of those moments, think of a time you chose a "CORE" bar because you want better abs, or a "Think Thin" protein bar to lose weight, or Naked Juice to try and cut back on artificial ingredients and sugars....) Well think again. The reasons why all of these products sound so great is they are marketed to make consumers purchase them. I cannot stress enough to please, please, please read the ingredient labels and nutrition facts to the foods you are consuming. If it sounds healthy and tastes like a Snickers bar - truth be told, the product you are eating probably has more sugar and calories than the candy bar you are trying to avoid. Example, grabbing a CLIF bar because they are easily available, quick ready snack/meal when you're on the go and it's healthy, right? WRONG! CLIF bars contain 42 grams of carbohydrates and 22 grams of sugar. Also, the primary ingredient is brown rice syrup (not helpful at all if your goal is to burn body fat or lose weight) and the company uses a soy based protein which is known for causing digestive stress, inflammation and thyroid issues. CLIF vs Snickers? Well the Snicker bar still loses but not by much. The common candy bar includes 34.5 grams of carbohydrates and 27 grams of sugar. All of the ingredients are pretty much garbage for your body if you are attempting to reach any means of a fitness goal.

Juicing and cleansing is good, right? Well since I'm a super busy individual, I'll take the faster, easier route and grab a Green Machine Naked Juice! (Anything that happens easier and faster is usually not the route to take when working towards LONG TERM results.) After a class action lawsuit against Naked Juice, the Pepsi brand has had to remove the "All Natural 100% Juice" unfulfilled promises of the labels. 9 million dollars later, the company has had to remove all of the misleading labeling. Low and behold, Naked Juice contains ingredients like Fibersol-2 (a soluble corn fiber that acts as a low calorie bulking agent) and fructooligosaccharides (sounds healthy? - an alternative sweetener) as well as a wide array of other artificial ingredients like calcium pantothenate (synthetically produced from formaldehyde) and genetically modified soy.

It takes time to prep and make meals, it takes time to make your workouts, it takes time to take care of YOU. So don't be your diet - neither cheap, easy nor fake!

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