Monday, April 7, 2014

Be an Example

I was working out with one of my dearest friends (another personal trainer) just the other day. She had recently returned from a trip to Disney World in Florida with her son. She told me how shocked she was to see how much of the population there was either overweight or obese. She mentioned to me how determined she was to make an impact on America's increasing rate of obesity and didn't know how she should get started or what to do. In response to assist her with her dilemma I said, "All you have to do is be an example. People will either respond to the energy that you put out there or they won't."

Obesity is a disease that one-third (34.9%) of Americans suffer from. Obesity related conditions consist of heart disease, stroke, diabetes (type 2), as well as certain types of cancer. Which could all possibly lead to a preventable death. Don't become a statistic.

So that's my challenge to all of you. Be an example. Figure out the type of person you want to be (not only in terms of health, but in qualities/morals/standards) and be an example of that person. Surround yourself with like-minded people who strive for success, are goal-oriented, and have similar values. (As they say misery loves company, well so do positive-healthy people.) Surrounding yourself with positive and staying positive, yields positive results. I challenge you to be an example of a person you admire, who you are proud to be. Be an example.

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