Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cheers to Your Health

Since recently moving out of my profession in the Health and Fitness industry (which has been an awfully painful 6 month transition) I have come to the realization just how many people don't incorporate healthy habits in their lifestyle. Not only that but how many people don't care to make healthy decisions to improve their life. This devastates me and at times makes me really frustrated. 
I work in an environment that, in my opinion, is by far full of the unhealthiest people on Earth (or it just seems that way to me!) I bring my lunch in everyday, I neglect the offerings of sugary-garbage foods and get scoffed at when I do so, and I get made fun of for what I eat and the hours I spend working out. Sorry folks, I am not going to change my lifestyle habits that make my life rich and fulfilled to make you happy. 

I am shocked and appalled everyday when I hear someone tell me how "weird" I am or that it's "gross" to Olympic lift and have calluses on my hands. It may not be the most lady-like look to have calluses, but I wouldn't trade them any day to give up the results I get and the way a healthy lifestyle makes me feel. It dawns on me also, that I feel sad for the people who do want a healthier life and who do fall trapped to the Negative-Nancy's of the World. Stick to your guard, hold your head high, and remember why you work out. I may not be wealthy, but with my health and happiness my life is rich. I won't let anyone take that away (and neither should you!)

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