Saturday, April 12, 2014

Crossfit 101

Personally, I have avoided Crossfit due to a fear of the unknown. Honestly, I was also a little frightened to step not just a little out of my comfort zone, but ENTIRELY out of my comfort zone. (Don't we know this is where we get most result?) Either way, this is the journey I am on to become a more well-rounded athlete and person all together. So what is crossfit? With Constantly varied, high-intensity functional movements, it is a training philosophy that coaches people of all shapes and sizes to improve their physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness in a hardcore yet accepting and encouraging environment. Therefore, if you enjoy walking into the gym with your headphones plugged in for an hour of you and your favorite tunes, it might be time to switch it up a bit,

I have successfully completed my first week-ish in a Crossfit box, and I can honestly say I am hooked. I worked as hard as I could today and felt as though I could collapse after all was said and done. Between the calluses on my hands and finding more muscles that I didn't know even existed in my body, I am excited to begin this new chapter to my fitness.

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