Saturday, August 2, 2014

Leaky Gut Syndrome

     Think about this.... so your gut is your largest immune system organ in your body... Now is your gut leaky? Gross sounding, right? Okay so what exactly is 'Leaky Gut Syndrome'.... Leaky Gut Syndrome is when the permeability of the large intestine is increased which causes toxins, nutrients, undigested food particles, and what not to be released into the body's blood stream. GLUTEN = the number one culprit in causing leaky gut syndrome (and most people have NO idea it's going on). I stress to people to find out their food sensitivities and see what causes their gut to be inflamed, every one is different and their bodies will act accordingly. Leaky gut syndrome can also be caused by food allergens, excess sugar, dairy, and excess alcohol. Another cause of leaky gut syndrome are intestinal parasites and toxins (i.e. medications such as Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, steroids, antibiotics, acid-reducing drugs.) Also environmental toxins can play a role in this too. These environmental toxins are anything from mercury, to pesticides, to the BPA in plastic. Age and stress are also affiliated with the causation of a leaky gut.

       Signs that your gut may be leaking:
 1. You have digestive issues like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and/or Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)
2. You have seasonal allergies or asthma
3. Your hormones are imbalanced and you suffer from PMS.
4. You have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease such as, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, lupus, paralysis, or celiac disease.
5. Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia.
6. Mood/mind issues such as depression, ADD, ADHD, or anxiety.
7. Skin issues like acne, rosacea, or eczema.

   If you believe you may be suffering from a leaky gut, no need to worry, there are ways to repair your intestinal walls. The first thing you may want to try is removing all of the foods from your diet that are causing your gut to be inflamed. I would recommend getting your food sensitivities checked and avoid all of those foods for at least four weeks depending upon the degree of sensitivity you have. After doing this, make sure to replace the good bacteria in your gut that will aid with proper digestive functions. Probiotics are great for assisting with this and will be crucial in restoring your gut. Eating fermented vegetables or drinking Kombucha tea aid in productions of the healthy gut bacteria. Also, taking L-Glutamine will be essential for healing a leaky gut. Glutamine is an essential amino acid that is an anti-inflammatory that is necessary for the growth and repair of a leaky gut.     

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cheers to Your Health

Since recently moving out of my profession in the Health and Fitness industry (which has been an awfully painful 6 month transition) I have come to the realization just how many people don't incorporate healthy habits in their lifestyle. Not only that but how many people don't care to make healthy decisions to improve their life. This devastates me and at times makes me really frustrated. 
I work in an environment that, in my opinion, is by far full of the unhealthiest people on Earth (or it just seems that way to me!) I bring my lunch in everyday, I neglect the offerings of sugary-garbage foods and get scoffed at when I do so, and I get made fun of for what I eat and the hours I spend working out. Sorry folks, I am not going to change my lifestyle habits that make my life rich and fulfilled to make you happy. 

I am shocked and appalled everyday when I hear someone tell me how "weird" I am or that it's "gross" to Olympic lift and have calluses on my hands. It may not be the most lady-like look to have calluses, but I wouldn't trade them any day to give up the results I get and the way a healthy lifestyle makes me feel. It dawns on me also, that I feel sad for the people who do want a healthier life and who do fall trapped to the Negative-Nancy's of the World. Stick to your guard, hold your head high, and remember why you work out. I may not be wealthy, but with my health and happiness my life is rich. I won't let anyone take that away (and neither should you!)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Crossfit 101

Personally, I have avoided Crossfit due to a fear of the unknown. Honestly, I was also a little frightened to step not just a little out of my comfort zone, but ENTIRELY out of my comfort zone. (Don't we know this is where we get most result?) Either way, this is the journey I am on to become a more well-rounded athlete and person all together. So what is crossfit? With Constantly varied, high-intensity functional movements, it is a training philosophy that coaches people of all shapes and sizes to improve their physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness in a hardcore yet accepting and encouraging environment. Therefore, if you enjoy walking into the gym with your headphones plugged in for an hour of you and your favorite tunes, it might be time to switch it up a bit,

I have successfully completed my first week-ish in a Crossfit box, and I can honestly say I am hooked. I worked as hard as I could today and felt as though I could collapse after all was said and done. Between the calluses on my hands and finding more muscles that I didn't know even existed in my body, I am excited to begin this new chapter to my fitness.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Be an Example

I was working out with one of my dearest friends (another personal trainer) just the other day. She had recently returned from a trip to Disney World in Florida with her son. She told me how shocked she was to see how much of the population there was either overweight or obese. She mentioned to me how determined she was to make an impact on America's increasing rate of obesity and didn't know how she should get started or what to do. In response to assist her with her dilemma I said, "All you have to do is be an example. People will either respond to the energy that you put out there or they won't."

Obesity is a disease that one-third (34.9%) of Americans suffer from. Obesity related conditions consist of heart disease, stroke, diabetes (type 2), as well as certain types of cancer. Which could all possibly lead to a preventable death. Don't become a statistic.

So that's my challenge to all of you. Be an example. Figure out the type of person you want to be (not only in terms of health, but in qualities/morals/standards) and be an example of that person. Surround yourself with like-minded people who strive for success, are goal-oriented, and have similar values. (As they say misery loves company, well so do positive-healthy people.) Surrounding yourself with positive and staying positive, yields positive results. I challenge you to be an example of a person you admire, who you are proud to be. Be an example.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Marketing Monster Strikes AGAIN!

How many times have you walked down the aisles in the grocery store and thought "hey that sounds healthy, like it will help me reach my fitness goals"? (If you haven't had one of those moments, think of a time you chose a "CORE" bar because you want better abs, or a "Think Thin" protein bar to lose weight, or Naked Juice to try and cut back on artificial ingredients and sugars....) Well think again. The reasons why all of these products sound so great is they are marketed to make consumers purchase them. I cannot stress enough to please, please, please read the ingredient labels and nutrition facts to the foods you are consuming. If it sounds healthy and tastes like a Snickers bar - truth be told, the product you are eating probably has more sugar and calories than the candy bar you are trying to avoid. Example, grabbing a CLIF bar because they are easily available, quick ready snack/meal when you're on the go and it's healthy, right? WRONG! CLIF bars contain 42 grams of carbohydrates and 22 grams of sugar. Also, the primary ingredient is brown rice syrup (not helpful at all if your goal is to burn body fat or lose weight) and the company uses a soy based protein which is known for causing digestive stress, inflammation and thyroid issues. CLIF vs Snickers? Well the Snicker bar still loses but not by much. The common candy bar includes 34.5 grams of carbohydrates and 27 grams of sugar. All of the ingredients are pretty much garbage for your body if you are attempting to reach any means of a fitness goal.

Juicing and cleansing is good, right? Well since I'm a super busy individual, I'll take the faster, easier route and grab a Green Machine Naked Juice! (Anything that happens easier and faster is usually not the route to take when working towards LONG TERM results.) After a class action lawsuit against Naked Juice, the Pepsi brand has had to remove the "All Natural 100% Juice" unfulfilled promises of the labels. 9 million dollars later, the company has had to remove all of the misleading labeling. Low and behold, Naked Juice contains ingredients like Fibersol-2 (a soluble corn fiber that acts as a low calorie bulking agent) and fructooligosaccharides (sounds healthy? - an alternative sweetener) as well as a wide array of other artificial ingredients like calcium pantothenate (synthetically produced from formaldehyde) and genetically modified soy.

It takes time to prep and make meals, it takes time to make your workouts, it takes time to take care of YOU. So don't be your diet - neither cheap, easy nor fake!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition.

Ever heard the saying "you can't out exercise a bad diet?!?" If you haven't, now you have! Proper nutrition is going to be 70-80% of your results and that is whether your goals are losing weight or gaining muscle. It is extremely important that the energy we put into our bodies is the best source of fuel to optimize obtaining the results you are looking for. I cannot stress to my clients enough, that no matter how hard they work at the gym they will not lose weight if they are not eating correctly. Although, they tend to feel more energetic and stronger, they still fit into the same size jeans and the scale hasn't budged.... I will often ask each individual I work with what they ate for that day, how their nutrition is, or ask them to log their food. This is the hardest, but most important lifestyle change to be made and typically, only those who want it the most are willing to go to any lengths to get it.

You must MAKE time to plan your meals just like you MUST make the time to workout. I totally get that life happens, because trust me, it happens to me too. The time you take to suit up and show up will really make all the difference in the world. So just do it!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Taking Care of YOU

How we view ourselves and our world will directly impact our fitness results. Think about it, if you sit there and talk bad about yourself, surround yourself with negative people who bring your morale down, think about the things you "can't" do - how likely do you believe you will be able to conquer your goals? In order to achieve success you must have the right mindset and the right approach. First and foremost, if you aren't happy with your body, your lifestyle or anything in general it's up to YOU to make it better. It might be scary, intimidating, frightening or whatever; however, stepping outside of your comfort zone to make progress on the situation is going to be essential to make any positive changes and see any results.

Another thing that drives me nuts, whenever someone talks negative about themselves. YOU NEED TO SHOW YOU AND YOUR BODY LOVE. Even if you don't necessarily like how your body looks right now, you should love and accept yourself the way you are. Slowly begin to change that stinking thinking attitude to one that is loving and accepting. Tell yourself 'I am well on my way to (insert your goal here)'. You have to begin somewhere, and progress (even slow progress) is still moving in the right direction - SO DON't GIVE UP. It saddens me when I hear others (including other fitness professionals) bashing on themselves. Remember to keep your chin up, love yourself, and you are well on your way to victory!