Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alcohol VS Fitness Physique

So does anyone ever feel like they want to have their cake and eat it too (like literally... cake... nom nom nom)?!? Many times, the inner-overweight-child screams to go out at nights lavish myself in decadent desserts, wine (and oh, not just one glass), just be a lush full-effect and then she tells me to go eat ice cream and brownies for breakfast; however, I don't let her run the show. Personally, I know that if I let myself get that off track or let the overweight-child wearing devil horns on my shoulder win, I will tend to give up on my goals and let it all go. In this scenario, knowing is half the battle so on to my Paleo breakfast of deer meat and kale juice for breakfast!

There are many concerns as far as going out for a night on the town and how it can play a key role in keeping you from achieving your fitness goals.

The majority of your fitness progress is going to come from your diet. With that being said, alcohol contains twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrates. Containing a hefty 7 calories per gram, these calories are also not going to be nutrient dense or assist you in being a healthier, happier individual. Plus, the majority of these calories are going to come from carbohydrates and sugars which are not going to help you feel full, and may even create those late night hunger pains. Which leads me to my next point, alcohol loosens inhibitions. So, a late night food run (which we all know you're not going to go out for salad, broccoli, or anything that would be nutrient-dense) will only take you more off track of your fitness goals. Alcohol can cause long-term effects when used in excess of damaging the kidneys, stomach, and liver. Because alcohol is a by product of yeast-digestion it can have irritating effects on the lining of the stomach, the kidneys, and liver which can lead to serious health problems later down the road. Testosterone, the body's natural fat-burner, is decreased with the consumption of alcohol. Testosterone is a hormone that aids in the contribution of lean muscle gain (which will amp up your metabolism and get your bod nice and toned) so lowering testosterone with alcohol can inhibit your beach body remarkably.

Taking all the negative effects into consideration, there are some pluses to adding a glass of wine to your diet from time to time; however, the main point is don't over do it. Moderation is key, and keeping alcohol intake limited will help you reach your goals more sooner than later. Cheers!

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