Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's a Lifestyle Not a Trend

I know for many of us, we all wish that we could feel and look the way we want overnight. Shoot, I know I am guilty as charged; however, I am also aware that it is HARD WORK. It doesn't take a pill, injections, or a magic quick fix in order to get the body of your dreams... But what it does take is dedication, hard work, sweat, time, and the desire to what it takes to get you there.  With the New Year rising and having an excuse to get off the pity-pot I began researching what I was going to do to make myself feel more than 100% and not be able to talk myself out of taking care of myself. Currently I'm changing up my diet to be more of a Paleolithic diet. After reading all the benefits of it, why wouldn't someone want to sleep better, have more energy, clearer skin, less body fat, less risk of illness, the list went on and on! I am stubborn as an ox and am also guilty of looking for the easy way out, but not this time. I am determined to get on the right path and feel better inside and out. 

This time around I have a support system in tact that, hopefully, will hold me up when I am feeling weak. My boyfriend is totally aware of what goes into the Paleo diet quite frankly only because I can't stop talking about it, and he has agreed to help me stay in line. Tonight we went to the movies and he was like 'Oh.... you can't have popcorn can you?' No sir, that is not apart of my eating plan, and he never caught me reaching over to his snack or asking to share. He later let me know that his stomach hurt from eating the popcorn, and I then realized how grateful I was to be choosing a healthier route. (I did somewhat rub it in his face that my stomach felt fantastic, but not too much!)

What I've come to realize over the years is that in order to get results, we need to revamp our diet and lifestyle. In order to keep those results (or keep getting them) is to keep with a healthy lifestyle and habits we have created. We can't fall off our high horse or get lazy about it. When I get the results I want I won't be able to eat cheesecake or ice cream all day, everyday - it's not realistic. Healthy habits form healthy bodies, and my goal is to feel as good as I can both internally and externally as possible. We are what we eat and I don't want to be supersized or greasy - no thank you! :)

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