Thursday, January 31, 2013

So Fresh and So Clean

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go through all of the food you purchase without it going bad? Like we could add a special something or other type of chemical to all foods to prolong their shelf life.... Well truth be told, we already do. The widespread of disease, cancer, and obesity as at an all time high and the amount of chemicals we add to foods to either make more quicker, faster, and easier or have the products last longer on the shelves so we can sell more is out of control. Is there a link between the health of people today and the over-processing of foods? I'm not sure, but you might be checking your ingredient labels after you read these.

Here is a list of some common preservatives, their purpose, and some interesting facts on why you should limit (or eliminate) your intake of them:

-  Sulfites: these preservatives are used to stop the browning and discoloration of foods. They have been linked to an asthma-related sensitivity and allergies.

- Sodium Benzoate (AKA Benzoic Acid): stops the fermentation of acidification of foods. Is mainly found in sodas and fruit juices. Researchers believe that when sodium benzoate is mixed with Vitamin C it can create benzene which is a known carcinogen. Although this may be the case, it would require you to consume gallons of these products to suffer from adverse effects.

- Nitrite: is typically found in meats and is what gives hot dogs their reddish color. The American Cancer Society recommends people lessen their consumption of processed meats to avoid consuming nitrites because they have been linked to some types of cancer - yikes!

To research more preservatives and their effects click HERE.

If you are already a little bit freaked out about preservatives, here are some helpful strategies to make sure  you have a cleaner, more healthful, diet.

* Go Organic. USDA organic-certified foods are guaranteed to be free of potentially harmful preservatives. If going organic is not within your budget, or may not be your cup of tea, check all of the packaging as well as the nutrition facts to make sure that your food is free of preservatives.

* Fresh is best! Fresh produce and meats are less likely to contain preservatives and additives. Avoiding prepackaged, over processed foods as much as possible.

* Learn to read food labels. Just because a product claims to be 'all- natural' or 'low-fat' it may not be the best option. If you find something on your ingredient list you don't know what it is or can't pronounce it - STAY AWAY. Research any ingredients you don't know. I would highly advise cleaning out your pantry, fridge and freezer. Your body is the only place you have to live, make it the best place.

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