Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pumping Iron

The biggest myth women believe in the gym is that if you lift weights you will get bulky, big, and possibly transform into the Incredible Hulk and I have to say this couldn't be farther from the truth! Plus there's so many health benefits to in resistance training and free weights.  In adding a weight training routine to target all of your muscle groups, you will be increasing your lean muscle mass, which includes bone density that will allow the frame-work of your body to stay strong. Although you might notice the scale move upwards slightly as you being weight training, you will notice your clothes fitting looser as well. Working your muscles and building more lean muscle in your body will not only give you that defined 'toned' look you are longing for, it will also increase your basal metabolism so that your body is burning more calories throughout the day. As you gain strength, your joints and muscles will work more efficiently together which will also increase your body's balance, flexibility, stamina and injury prevention. As we all know, exercising regularly will help improve sleep patterns and the combination of better sleep and weight training will all play roles in boosting your immune functions. Just think, when you get the body of your dreams, put in all the hard work, determination and dedication, your self-esteem and confidence will be soaring through the roof. So not only will weight training aid your body physically, it will also motivate you to a more positive, healthy, happy life.

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