Thursday, January 17, 2013

Don't let them KNOCK you down

 Have you ever been around those people who are so overwhelmed with their own negativity that they want to pull all the people who surrounds them into their negative world? There is much truth behind the 'misery loves company statement'; however, DON'T LET THEM BRING YOU DOWN! It's so easy to succumb to the pressures and stresses of everyday life and letting go of what is important to you. Shrug it off, brush it off your shoulder, grab the horse by the reins and take control. I know it can be easier said than done, but the sooner you let it go the sooner you can go on with your happy life. :)

I noticed today that there were a remarkably less amount of people in the gym than there has been in the prior few weeks of January. I sincerely hope that those with their New Year resolutions have not fallen off their high horse on their journey to a healthier life. Then it brought me back to my day and made me think.... working in a fitness facility, my manager told me today that my goal was 'a joke'. I have been Paleo now for nearly three weeks and I seriously feel better than I ever have, and it made me sad to think what if this had happened to those who were busy working out not that long ago?

If it is important to you (which it would be if you made it a priority/goal/resolution) do whatever it takes to keep on the pink cloud. Don't self-sabotage you diet and meal plan with that ice cream in the freezer that has been giving you dirty looks. Keep your shoulders back, and your chin held high, because you are worth a healthier and happier lifestyle - don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

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