Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Resolutions...

Happy New Year!!

Hopefully everyone has been goal-oriented enough to begin the year out right with setting some new priorities to accomplish. If you have, *high-five* great job! If you haven't... yet... start brainstorming new ideas on where you want to take your life and what you want to accomplish this year to make it a great one. The nice thing about setting new goals, or resolutions, is they also don't have to come only once a year. (You can set goals and accomplish them ALL year long - once you have conquered one list, start making a new one!!) As I wrapped up 2012, I really felt .... unmotivated, uninspired, and ready for the new year to come so I can make some changes in my life for the better. Goals keep people motivated, on their toes, striving to work harder. Goals keep people accountable. I would recommend writing your goals down, and if you have more than one, you may notice that a lot of your goals are intertwined. Like for instance, if you hit one of your goals you will accomplish another one as well. Investigate and research what you need to to accomplish your goals. You can also track your progress by keeping a journal of what you have done and what you need to do to get there - I find this helps TREMENDOUSLY. Also, what makes you want to hit your goals? How important is it to you? Are you willing to put in the work, time, dedication? Just remember that; although, it may be hard you are worth it. 

After indulging in the holidays, everyone rushes to the gym for the first few weeks in January and then all of a sudden there is the quiet after the storm.... it's like you can almost hear crickets in the background compared to the lines waiting around machines in the weeks prior. Don't let yourself be one of the quitters! It takes 21 days to form a habit, so be patient with yourself, but don't fall off the edge either. If it were easy everyone would do it, and if you don't feel like you can do it on your own - find help! Research, investigate, call people you know who may have the information that is beneficial to you in reaching your desired goals. The information is out there, it's up to you to take the bull by the horns and get going!


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