Monday, October 28, 2013

Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition.

Ever heard the saying "you can't out exercise a bad diet?!?" If you haven't, now you have! Proper nutrition is going to be 70-80% of your results and that is whether your goals are losing weight or gaining muscle. It is extremely important that the energy we put into our bodies is the best source of fuel to optimize obtaining the results you are looking for. I cannot stress to my clients enough, that no matter how hard they work at the gym they will not lose weight if they are not eating correctly. Although, they tend to feel more energetic and stronger, they still fit into the same size jeans and the scale hasn't budged.... I will often ask each individual I work with what they ate for that day, how their nutrition is, or ask them to log their food. This is the hardest, but most important lifestyle change to be made and typically, only those who want it the most are willing to go to any lengths to get it.

You must MAKE time to plan your meals just like you MUST make the time to workout. I totally get that life happens, because trust me, it happens to me too. The time you take to suit up and show up will really make all the difference in the world. So just do it!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Taking Care of YOU

How we view ourselves and our world will directly impact our fitness results. Think about it, if you sit there and talk bad about yourself, surround yourself with negative people who bring your morale down, think about the things you "can't" do - how likely do you believe you will be able to conquer your goals? In order to achieve success you must have the right mindset and the right approach. First and foremost, if you aren't happy with your body, your lifestyle or anything in general it's up to YOU to make it better. It might be scary, intimidating, frightening or whatever; however, stepping outside of your comfort zone to make progress on the situation is going to be essential to make any positive changes and see any results.

Another thing that drives me nuts, whenever someone talks negative about themselves. YOU NEED TO SHOW YOU AND YOUR BODY LOVE. Even if you don't necessarily like how your body looks right now, you should love and accept yourself the way you are. Slowly begin to change that stinking thinking attitude to one that is loving and accepting. Tell yourself 'I am well on my way to (insert your goal here)'. You have to begin somewhere, and progress (even slow progress) is still moving in the right direction - SO DON't GIVE UP. It saddens me when I hear others (including other fitness professionals) bashing on themselves. Remember to keep your chin up, love yourself, and you are well on your way to victory!

Friday, August 9, 2013

H.I.I.T. High Intensity Interval Training

Some of you may be familiar with high intensity interval training (HIIT) if you're not HIIT describes any form of training that has one alternate between bursts of intense activity and periods of less intense activity, or even rest. An example of this would be sprinting on the treadmill at 90% of your max heart rate followed by an interval of a moderate intensity around 60-70% of your max heart rate.

Why is HIIT the new thing? How does it benefit you? Let me explain...

HIIT was developed by track coaches to better their athletes cardio endurance and has crossed over into the fitness community due to it's fat burning benefits. It has been found that HIIT has better fat burning capacity than most cardio programs out there. HIIT training is a better calorie burner throughout the workout which will improve your body's ability to metabolize fat for fuel through it's EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) after your workout is over.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gluten & Wheat vs. The World

Many of us have been suckered into the belief that wheat products are healthy, full of fiber and nutrients. Did you know that if a loaf of good ol' wheat bread is not labeled "100% Wheat Bread" chances are you are eating bread that is chock full of added molasses to give it the desired 'wheat' coloring? I find this super unsettling, that not only would food manufacturers do this to us, but that they would give us false hopes when we are attempting to better our lives and wellness. After reading more, you may find it unnecessary to keep bread and wheat products in your diet all together.

Gluten (from Latin 'gluten', GLUE)  is a protein composite found in foods processed from wheat and related grain species, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. - Gluten also takes between 3-4 months to move through the body, this paired with our arch nemesis, wheat, sets us up for a dangerous track on our fitness journeys.

Wheat bread is totally different than what it used to be, and wheat can be found in everything from vodka to lip stick to the seals on envelopes. Two slices of wheat bread can raise your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of table sugar - YIKES! Gluten is also more likely to cause inflammation within the body and also holds a lot of responsibility for America's rise to obesity and diabetes.

Celiac disease is a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing parts of food that are important for staying healthy. The damage is due to a reaction to eating gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats. There are 21 million cases (possibly more) of Celiac disease as well as other gluten related issues affecting Americans. 99% of people who have gluten in tolerances are NOT diagnosed.

Another problem with gluten, is similar to all things bad for you, it's also addicting. Gluten contains 'exorphins' which give us the endorphin rush feeling of a runner's high, which bind to the receptors in your brain causing the addictive tendencies of a crack addict. Hence, there are reasons why people never choose to binge on broccoli, but will on cookies & cake. 

This might be an information overload, but just make certain you know how to read a nutrition label, know what is in your food, and find out what foods you may be sensitive to. Not only is getting your food sensitivity levels important for hitting your fitness goals, but it can also aid in overall health and functionality.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Eat Clean. Train Mean. Get Lean.

Working in the fitness industry I've come to find that typically, when it comes to goals, nearly everyone mentions that they want to "tone up". Usually what I find also is that this means something differently for everyone. What does being "in shape" or "toned" mean to you? Is it a part of your goal?

Defining what you are looking for or what your goals mean to you is extremely crucial in finding which path to take to get you there. Being as specific as possible is going to help make your goals measurable and keep your motivation up! If you are new to working out, or need assistance in nutrition, it would be in your best interest to find someone who is professional and has the knowledge to share with you. Keep in mind your body/nutritional needs will be specific to you so it's important to find someone to guide you on your fitness journey to a healthier and happier life. Results are a lifestyle change, not something that will occur through a magic pill or happen over night. So remember to be patient, loving and kind to yourself as you are going through all of the changes.

Writing down positive sayings or mantras and keeping them in places you view often will also assist in keeping your positive, go-getter attitude running high. Also, I've kept some flash cards with mantras written on them in my pocket throughout the day for a little pick-me-up and it works great. So, make sure to write your goals as specific as possible (either save them with pen and paper or electronically), track your progress (measurements & photos), seek assistance if necessary, and keep your chin up because you are well on your way to a healthy, fit lifestyle.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer *Kale* Recipe

This summer I have been hooked on kale salads. Kale is a nutrient-dense super food containing a high potency of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. This leafy green has been linked to many anti-cancer health benefits and is rich in antioxidants. 

I recently came across this recipe for Summer Kale Salad. I guarantee you will not be disappointed you tried it!

4 Cups fresh kale leaves, shredded
1/2 honeydew melon, diced
1/2 Cup sliced almonds (optional)
1 Cup blueberries
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tbspn honey
2 tbspn olive oil
Sea salt & cracked black pepper to taste

1. In large bowl drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil over kale and massage (yes, massage your kale) with your hands for 5 minutes.
2. Add melon, blueberries and almonds to the bowl.
3. In another small bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients and pour over kale. Toss to combine. Let stand in the fridge for at least 15 minutes prior to serving.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Back in Action!

I apologize to everyone for my break in blogging. Life happens and I let other obligations take priority to time I could have spent writing to ya'll. :) For many of us, I know this typically happens with gym routines, meal planning, and overall fitness/health goals. The key to success in all aspects of life is MAKING time and MAKING priority for what is important. Needless to say, I am back in action with my blog and I'm going to be finding my balance again with everything that keeps me on track, focused, happy and healthy.

How has your progress been coming along with your fitness goals? Another motivator to keep your focus is to track everything. From your workouts to your measurements. I would highly suggest to take pictures of your progress, log your meals and workouts, and watch your results happen. With your dedication, motivation, and hard work anything is possible!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Power of Yoga

Yoga has been around for over 5,000 years and could be considered a 'trend' in the fitness industry; however, are you aware of all of the great health benefits created through getting your Yoga on?

'Asanas' are yoga poses which usually include a breathing pattern as well as a form of meditation. Clearing/ quieting the mind to connect closer to the body and get a little bit more in tune with your being. Some yoga classes are purely designed for relaxation and some are designed to help improve range of motion and find new ways to move your body. In challenging your body, you will notice an increase in flexibility, strength, and balance. All in which will aide your body in improving your posture, and strengthening your stabilizing muscles of your core.

In my personal experience with yoga, after an hour long session of breathing, posing, stretching, and clearing my mind - I feel as if the physical stress and tension that can build in my body lifted. The next day I wake uplifted and energized throughout the day. In knowing this, I definitely keep yoga as a regular part of my weekly workout routine.

Keep in mind, if you are new to the realm of yoga to take it slow. Challenge yourself by stepping outside your comfort zone, but be mindful of what your body can and can't handle. Be safe. If you have joint/spine/neck issues, ask your medical (or fitness) professional whether they believe that yoga is a good fit for you at this time. If not, work with them to get to a point where you can add yoga to your routine.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Does Easter = Chocolate?

Like most holidays, the one we are about to experience on Sunday, is typically loaded with a large meal accompanied by candy, pies, desserts, you name it. So before you decide to indulge on a huge feast topped off with your favorite chocolate bunny,Cadbury egg or marshmallow chick just take into consideration all of the hard work you have put in at the gym, planning meals, taking the time to work hard and get the results you want - and think twice. I'm not saying don't eat with your family and enjoy your holiday. What I am saying is think about what you are choosing to eat before you eat it, moderate your portion size, and limit your intake of sweets. Do Easter smart and don't feel bad about it the next day. :)

Another quick tip that may help you keep success while celebrating Easter with your loved ones - make sure to drink LOTS of water! This will help you feel fuller and keep you hydrated. Also, educate your loved ones about your health journey. Enlighten and share with them how it's made you feel and why you are adapting new strategies in your life to fulfill it with health, happiness, and longevity. It's always nice to have more people supporting you and they may even want to join in! 

Have a wonderful Easter! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Did you take your vitamins today?

Since we were all kids and had our parents begging us to take these little suckers every morning, do you still remember to take your vitamins on a daily basis? And do you know just how important popping these nutrient dense tabs in the morning can help you reach your goals? Vitamins are essential for proper body functions and the body can only get these nutrients through diet - our bodies cannot make them.

Most of us do not know how much of our diet is supplementing our bodies needs for different nutrients. Not only is this the case, but if your body is 'hungry' for a specific nutrient it will make your appetite increase and may be counteractive towards your meal plan. So taking a MULTIVITAMIN is extremely important.

What is the craze with FISH OIL you may ask, and how may it benefit you? Well fish oil is an omega-3 fatty acid (the good kind!) and will help reduce over all inflammation in the body. Fish oil also aides in keeping the body's heart healthy, as well as has been shown to decrease levels of anxiety and depression. With that being said, who wouldn't want to take the anti-inflammatory, heart-healthy happy pill?

I don't know about you, but with experiencing the change of seasons my allergies are flaring. Something I have noticed with taking more VITAMIN C, is that my symptoms are more subdued and it's easier to breathe and feel more at ease. Vitamin C has been proven to be one of the safest and more effective nutrients that may not cure allergies or the common cold; however, it has been linked to protect against immune deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, and even skin wrinkling. It is suggested that 500 mg a day is a healthy dose to take it.

Find a vitamin that is a higher quality pill (or chew-able if you opt for that) and just make sure to get your daily dosage that will boost your immune system and help your body feel and work to it's potential. <3

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Personal Growth

This is a little off normal helpful hints/tricks/tips for optimum fitness health success that I usually write about but I was thinking to myself today... why do I blog? Welp, I like to write to aid in other's successes and motivate the world to be a healthier, happier, and live a life booming in confidence. Personally, I also like to learn, grow and become the person I was meant to be (healthy, happy, successful, confident, etc). Not only that but the person I WANT to be! Plus, my biggest passion is Health & Fitness.

As a part of my personal quest for knowledge and growth, I have jumped headfirst into a great many projects. I am busier than I have been, with a huge agenda, and I LOVE IT! Keeping busy is a great thing for me because it forces me to balance my schedule, plan, and make time for the things I need to. It forces me to make a choice - and (hopefully) make the right one at that. Not only that but I sleep better at night after a big day of all the days tasks. What I've also found extremely helpful in keeping my agenda organized, is I make a list in the morning of the big things that need to be accomplished that day (and the little things too, but they are noted differently on my list) and I check them off as the day goes.

So today, I want to ask you, what are you doing for your health and fitness? What are you doing to reach your goals? If you need more help or some more insight on what to do, where to go, etc. Find someone and ask (PS you can always ask me, I'm more than eager to help and I love meeting new people)

Step outside of your comfort zone today. Learn something new, do something you never thought you would have dreamed (no matter how big or small the task may be) it will help you grow as a person.

If you are interested in an at home approach you can always check out this website. It is full of fitness programs, meal replacement ideas, and knowledge that may assist you in accomplishing your fitness dreams. CLICK HERE
I'm not saying that this link is the only way. It's just many different routes one could choose. *Cheers* to your health!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

If You Think You Can, You Will

How many times have you caught yourself bombarded by your own negative thinking? It's sad, but true to say that you are the one who got yourself there and your negative thinking may be what is keeping you from a life of happiness and hitting your goals. YOU choose your own destiny and YOU make the choice to be happy.

So rather than talking down to yourself, and getting caught up in a slump. Talk yourself up! I am a big fan of mantras and positive self talk. When those nasty little negative thoughts begin to creep in your mind, counterattack them with some positive thinking. The biggest battle is going to be a mental one through your fitness journey. Life is wayyy too short to be mean to ourselves, and it makes a much nicer world to be more positive.

Remember, today you get to choose your attitude and what kind of day it is going to be. Life does happen and situations may come up that are out of our control, but you get to decide how you are going to handle them.

P.S. Don't forget to smile. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

To Stretch or Not to Stretch?

We all know that those few extra minutes spent at the gym stretching are oh so tedious especially if you are rushing to beat traffic and get home to slurp down a protein shake for muscle recovery.... right? Well these few extra minutes are not only going to enhance your flexibility, but assist in your athletic performance and help prevent injury. Who wouldn't want to stretch?

Overall flexibility is key to improving your athletic performance in different activities. It aids joints to move through their full range of motion which will decrease your risk of injury. Stretching also increases blood flow to your muscles. Ideally, it would be best to include stretching before and after working out to make sure your body is working at top performance and preventing injury.

If you are all out of ideas for stretching or think it's a little too tedious at first, try a yoga or pilates class. Not only will you be switching up your workout a bit, but you will stretching them while you work!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why Your Sweet-tooth May be Harmful to Your Health

Why is Sugar the culprit you may ask? Not only does sugary sweets and drinks cost you a lot of calories without creating that full-feeling, which may lead to weight-gain, but sugar may be your enemy as far as overall health is concerned.

* Sugar negatively effects your immune system. After having a sugar craving and eating those oh-so dangerous Girl Scout cookies, your favorite soda or a candy bar, your immune system is temporarily bogged down and is unable to respond to challenges. This can last up to a few hours, so if you are constantly reaching into the cookie jar, you might want to think again if you do not want your immune system to be struggling to keep up with your bod.

* Sugar promotes inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response, and not always a bad thing; however, consuming sugar in excess may lead to unnecessary inflammation that will endorse aging as well as disease.

* Sugar weighs down the release of the human growth hormone. The human growth hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, reproduction, and cell generation in humans and animals. Our bodies make it naturally and if you want to slow down the aging process, you will want as much naturally produced HGH as your body is willing to make! Avoiding foods that are high in sugar will keep you looking young (of course accompanied with a great workout routine and meal plan!)

* Sugar raises insulin levels. After indulging in sugars, your blood sugar will go up, this will result in your insulin levels spiking which will make your pancreas produce a bunch of insulin to help clear out all the sugar from the cells in your blood. As the blood sugar goes down, your insulin levels will go down to normal again. If you do this far too many times and over-work your pancreas by flooding your body with sugary treats, eventually your pancreas will shut down and you will become an insulin dependent diabetic.  I'm just saying it can happen.

I highly suggest reading all of your nutrition labels prior to purchasing food at the store. It is extremely important to be aware of everything you are putting into your body. The cleaner the better! Eating foods in their natural form (unprocessed, no chemicals or additives, preservatives, etc) is going to be much better to achieve success as far as your fitness goals are concerned. You will also feel more energized and balanced throughout the day with of those 'crashing' feelings.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Water.... Our Body's Need for H2O

I understand that water may be super boring to drink compared to some sugary-high-caloric tasty beverage one may find at the grocery store. (I was looking at a regular fruit punch flavored Powerade the other day with 2 servings in the bottle it had 32 GRAMS of SUGAR per serving = 64 GRAMS/ 5 TABLESPOONS of sugar if one were to consume the whole beverage in one serving.) When eagerly attempting to be healthy, or if you are trying to lose weight, this will become a problem...

Water is vital to the body because our bodies are 70% water. We need to replenish and maintain our balance of bodily fluids. So, if you are killing it in the gym and have a serious sweat going, you my friend will need to drink even more water to keep your body hydrated.

Water also can aid in calorie control. If you are properly hydrated and keep drinking water, your body will feel more full and lessen your desire to snack between meals or eat something that may not be on your meal plan. Also, substituting water for those high calorie drinks will also aid in cutting back on some calories.

Water also helps energize your muscles. Therefore, if you are dehydrated and slacking in the water department, you will feel weak. Cells that do not maintain their balance in electrolytes tend to shrivel, and will lead to muscle fatigue. This will definitely become a problem when you are hitting the gym!

Water will also keep your skin beautiful. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Why wouldn't we want it to look beautiful and take care of it?! Drinking more water will approve the appearance of our skin. Dehydration will cause skin to appear more wrinkled and dry.

Water aids your kidneys in transporting waste out of the body. Our kidneys help cleanse our body of waste and toxins through urine as long as it has the fluids to help them out!

Typically someone should drink 3-4 Liters of water a day. If you think that you drink plenty of water, but aren't aware of how much you are taking in.... count! I have a half gallon water bottle that I carry around with me all day, and I make sure to fill it up twice!

*If you get bored of drinking water, you can always mix it up! I like to squeeze some fresh limes into my water jug, throw in some mint leaves, some thinly sliced cucumbers and have myself a tasty refreshing glass of h2O.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Perfecting Posture

Someone may ask why it is important to get a trainer, have guidance and assistance during exercise, etc.... I will let you know that the reasons are ENDLESS. There are only benefits in finding someone help you hit your fitness goals, and hold you accountable for doing it.

Another reason is, making sure you have the correct form and teaching proper posture etiquette to assist in developing healthy habits to keep your bod in alignment. Did you know that the majority of back related injuries occur from people working out with incorrect form? How scary is that when you think of it, and how easy could all these injuries have been prevented? Prior to becoming a trainer, I was also unaware of all the exercises and stretches someone could do to strengthen their body and keep their back nice and straight. In the past, I refused to do shoulder exercises because I didn't want my shoulders to get bulky or look like the Hulk. Little did  I know that in strengthening the shoulders, it would assist me in keeping them straight, and not rounded, so that I may walk around with my shoulders back and full of confidence. Another key to obtaining great posture is working on muscle imbalances and strengthening core and stabilizing muscles to keep your bod lined up.

If you are already familiar with the gym, it's equipment, and set in your current workout routine, chances are you have reached a plateau where you are no longer getting results but just maintaining what you have. I would suggest at this point that you spice up your routine, get a trainer who can show you a new way of doing things, and try something new. NEWS FLASH: exercise science is growing on the daily, learn a new (proper) way to do things and you might surprise yourself. I was speaking to a member at the fitness facility I work at, and it was sad to say he was convinced that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.... to me I interpreted that he was satisfied with no longer achieving results, didn't have any fitness goals, and wasn't interested in doing things correctly.

If you are unaware of how your form should look, I highly advise finding someone who does who can assist you in it. Form and posture are crucial in avoiding injuries!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Why R&R Will do You Good

Typically someone might think R&R stands for some rest and relaxation, but we are going to mix it up and suggest some REST and RECOVERY for your bod. In beginning a new workout routine and begin getting those great results, endorphin rushes, more energy, sleeping better at night, and are just on the all time pink cloud of working out, you may tend to think "I want to do this EVERY SINGLE day". This feeling is not a bad one at all, and it is typically why we keep showing up at the gym day after day. However, too few rest days can tend to lead to over-training syndrome which is an extreme condition. To avoid over-training, we need to make sure to allow our bodies time to rest allowing our muscles to repair, rebuild, and to strengthen. In creating a workout schedule it is also important to set aside days where you may actively rest. For example, clean the house, walk the dog, play with your kids, etc. Staying mobile but not taking on too much strenuous exercise.

In the recovery process, your body is adapting to the stress of exercise and resistance training. It also helps the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Neglecting to allow your body to recover can cause someone to be taken out of there day to day routine for awhile.

Catching a full nights rest is also extremely important for keeping your body in balance. Generally if you have one or two nights of poor or little sleep, it won't have a high impact on your performance, but if you are consistently getting very little or inadequate sleep it can cause subtle changes in hormone levels. These hormones are typically the ones linked to stress, muscle recovery, and mood. Some research has shown that sleep deprivation can lead to increased amounts of cortisol (stress hormones), decreased activity of the human growth hormone - which is active during tissue repair, and decreased glycogen synthesis (which is how the body uses stored energy).

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Success Story of Thomas Phillips

We write our success stories to let everyone know how they got to their desired goal and to help influence others into hitting their goals as well. Here is the success story of Thomas Phillips in his own words:
So to start my story, I will state that my name is Thomas Phillips and my occupation is Combat Controller Trainee for the US Air Force. To be qualified for this job you have to pass a physical endurance and strength test called the PAST TEST.  This test you have to swim underwater 25 meters twice, swim 500 meters nonstop under a time limit, run a mile and a half under a time limit, then finish the test by doing a certain number of pull ups, sit ups, and push ups.  Before I met Ashley Ryan passing that test was just a goal and the 500 meter swim felt like it was unattainable because I knew very little about swimming.  So I purchased some pool sessions with Ashley and I have well exceed the standards in PAST test especially the swim.  She is an exceptional trainer because she identified the problems I had with swimming by watching me swim and then she coached me to assist in correcting them. She also addressed any issues I felt necessary to swim faster and with more ease when I was in the pool.  Ashley gave me exercises to do keep my posture and technique at its best, which helps me swim a lot faster and not be as tired by the end of my 500 meter swim. Lastly, everybody in life pushes themselves to their goals, but sometimes they hit a point where they stop trying so hard. When I was training with Ashley she would not let me give up and talk me out of my negativity. When we were working together, I would often get discouraged because I felt like I wasn't doing it correctly, but I would catch my breathe and she was there telling me to do it again keep pushing - she would not let me give up. 


Thursday, January 31, 2013

So Fresh and So Clean

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go through all of the food you purchase without it going bad? Like we could add a special something or other type of chemical to all foods to prolong their shelf life.... Well truth be told, we already do. The widespread of disease, cancer, and obesity as at an all time high and the amount of chemicals we add to foods to either make more quicker, faster, and easier or have the products last longer on the shelves so we can sell more is out of control. Is there a link between the health of people today and the over-processing of foods? I'm not sure, but you might be checking your ingredient labels after you read these.

Here is a list of some common preservatives, their purpose, and some interesting facts on why you should limit (or eliminate) your intake of them:

-  Sulfites: these preservatives are used to stop the browning and discoloration of foods. They have been linked to an asthma-related sensitivity and allergies.

- Sodium Benzoate (AKA Benzoic Acid): stops the fermentation of acidification of foods. Is mainly found in sodas and fruit juices. Researchers believe that when sodium benzoate is mixed with Vitamin C it can create benzene which is a known carcinogen. Although this may be the case, it would require you to consume gallons of these products to suffer from adverse effects.

- Nitrite: is typically found in meats and is what gives hot dogs their reddish color. The American Cancer Society recommends people lessen their consumption of processed meats to avoid consuming nitrites because they have been linked to some types of cancer - yikes!

To research more preservatives and their effects click HERE.

If you are already a little bit freaked out about preservatives, here are some helpful strategies to make sure  you have a cleaner, more healthful, diet.

* Go Organic. USDA organic-certified foods are guaranteed to be free of potentially harmful preservatives. If going organic is not within your budget, or may not be your cup of tea, check all of the packaging as well as the nutrition facts to make sure that your food is free of preservatives.

* Fresh is best! Fresh produce and meats are less likely to contain preservatives and additives. Avoiding prepackaged, over processed foods as much as possible.

* Learn to read food labels. Just because a product claims to be 'all- natural' or 'low-fat' it may not be the best option. If you find something on your ingredient list you don't know what it is or can't pronounce it - STAY AWAY. Research any ingredients you don't know. I would highly advise cleaning out your pantry, fridge and freezer. Your body is the only place you have to live, make it the best place.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pumping Iron

The biggest myth women believe in the gym is that if you lift weights you will get bulky, big, and possibly transform into the Incredible Hulk and I have to say this couldn't be farther from the truth! Plus there's so many health benefits to in resistance training and free weights.  In adding a weight training routine to target all of your muscle groups, you will be increasing your lean muscle mass, which includes bone density that will allow the frame-work of your body to stay strong. Although you might notice the scale move upwards slightly as you being weight training, you will notice your clothes fitting looser as well. Working your muscles and building more lean muscle in your body will not only give you that defined 'toned' look you are longing for, it will also increase your basal metabolism so that your body is burning more calories throughout the day. As you gain strength, your joints and muscles will work more efficiently together which will also increase your body's balance, flexibility, stamina and injury prevention. As we all know, exercising regularly will help improve sleep patterns and the combination of better sleep and weight training will all play roles in boosting your immune functions. Just think, when you get the body of your dreams, put in all the hard work, determination and dedication, your self-esteem and confidence will be soaring through the roof. So not only will weight training aid your body physically, it will also motivate you to a more positive, healthy, happy life.

Friday, January 25, 2013

It's a little bit of a Juicing Frenzy

Okay, so in all seriousness, I get teased that Sprouts is my favorite grocery store and yes, I get really excited when I go grocery shopping and for when I am planning out my meals for the week. It may sound a little bit ridiculous, but when you get the results you're looking for coming from the combination of the foods you eat and your exercise agenda - it's really exciting. I will also admit that my birthday was this week and I had a few more cheat meals than I typically do, but that's not going to last for long because I enjoy feeling and looking the best I can. (Really who doesn't?)

So the other week, I had some troubles with the first juicer I purchased. I think I may have been a little bit on a juicing frenzy and just shoved as many fruits and vegetables as I could in my juicer and *POOF* it went up in smoke. Unbeknownst to me, this was a great thing, because I invested in my all time favorite kitchen appliance... my Blendtec Blender. This sucker can do almost ANYTHING. I make juice everyday and it doesn't have any waste or pulp which allows me to get the most bang for my buck when I'm grocery shopping. Being Paleo for almost a month now, it also allows me to create foods that meet my needs. You can make soups, batters, almond butter (YUM!), ice cream, smoothies, and seriously anything else you could possibly imagine. I'm seriously in love with this thing.

When I wake up, I love getting a straight shot of essential nutrients, vitamins, and fiber in the morning. So today I indulged with some juice I made from beets, an orange, kiwi, pineapple, cucumber, and tons of spinach. Fruits and veggies will give you an extra boost of energy when you begin to consume more. It's truly amazing the power of what you eat and how it affects you.

If you have more questions on the Blendtec blender you can check out the link right here. It's a little pricey, but it is definitely worth it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Eating Healthy 101

The saying 'you are what you eat' couldn't be more true in today's world; however, knowing what is in your food is half the battle. I am a total nutrition nut - I can geek out and read nutrition books all day long, and yet when I share something I find to be SO COOL, typically it's all in the eye of the beholder. One of the best things I ever gained insight on was how to read a nutrition label and what everything means on it. With the way food is manufactured today, food is LOADED with preservatives that will only weigh you down and keep you far away from your fitness goals. It's best to eat a healthy clean diet free of preservatives. So what does that mean? When you go shopping at the store, read the ingredients listed on the package. If there are a million unpronounceable words listed - don't get it. Stay within a safe limit of ingredients like 10 tops. If there's something you don't know what the heck it is or how to say it - why would you want to put it in your body? The fresher the more natural the product the better it is for you. 

Did you know that packaged lunch meat is also loaded with vegetable oil? YUCK. So, now you may ask what is it with vegetable oil and why is it in most of the products in my pantry...? 
Vegetable oils (and margarine, made from these oils) are oils extracted from seeds like the rapeseed (canola oil) soybean (soybean oil), corn, sunflower, safflower, etc. They were practically non-existent in our diets until the early 1900s when new chemical processes allowed them to be extracted.Unlike butter or coconut oil, these vegetable oils can’t be extracted just by pressing or separating naturally. They must be chemically removed, deodorized and altered. These are some of the most chemically altered foods in our diets, yet they get promoted as healthy. Vegetable oils are manufactured in a factory, usually from genetically modified crops that have been heavily treated with pesticides. 
Thank goodness for healthy substitutes! Olive oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and coconut oil are natural oils that are full of the healthy fats that keep our body full and satisfied.
I know that our bodies didn't come with an operation manual as to what to eat, how to exercise, or properly use our body to avoid injury and assist with proper posture. That's why it is so important to educate ourselves on how to keep our body in tip-top condition to live a healthy and happy life.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Don't let them KNOCK you down

 Have you ever been around those people who are so overwhelmed with their own negativity that they want to pull all the people who surrounds them into their negative world? There is much truth behind the 'misery loves company statement'; however, DON'T LET THEM BRING YOU DOWN! It's so easy to succumb to the pressures and stresses of everyday life and letting go of what is important to you. Shrug it off, brush it off your shoulder, grab the horse by the reins and take control. I know it can be easier said than done, but the sooner you let it go the sooner you can go on with your happy life. :)

I noticed today that there were a remarkably less amount of people in the gym than there has been in the prior few weeks of January. I sincerely hope that those with their New Year resolutions have not fallen off their high horse on their journey to a healthier life. Then it brought me back to my day and made me think.... working in a fitness facility, my manager told me today that my goal was 'a joke'. I have been Paleo now for nearly three weeks and I seriously feel better than I ever have, and it made me sad to think what if this had happened to those who were busy working out not that long ago?

If it is important to you (which it would be if you made it a priority/goal/resolution) do whatever it takes to keep on the pink cloud. Don't self-sabotage you diet and meal plan with that ice cream in the freezer that has been giving you dirty looks. Keep your shoulders back, and your chin held high, because you are worth a healthier and happier lifestyle - don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alcohol VS Fitness Physique

So does anyone ever feel like they want to have their cake and eat it too (like literally... cake... nom nom nom)?!? Many times, the inner-overweight-child screams to go out at nights lavish myself in decadent desserts, wine (and oh, not just one glass), just be a lush full-effect and then she tells me to go eat ice cream and brownies for breakfast; however, I don't let her run the show. Personally, I know that if I let myself get that off track or let the overweight-child wearing devil horns on my shoulder win, I will tend to give up on my goals and let it all go. In this scenario, knowing is half the battle so on to my Paleo breakfast of deer meat and kale juice for breakfast!

There are many concerns as far as going out for a night on the town and how it can play a key role in keeping you from achieving your fitness goals.

The majority of your fitness progress is going to come from your diet. With that being said, alcohol contains twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrates. Containing a hefty 7 calories per gram, these calories are also not going to be nutrient dense or assist you in being a healthier, happier individual. Plus, the majority of these calories are going to come from carbohydrates and sugars which are not going to help you feel full, and may even create those late night hunger pains. Which leads me to my next point, alcohol loosens inhibitions. So, a late night food run (which we all know you're not going to go out for salad, broccoli, or anything that would be nutrient-dense) will only take you more off track of your fitness goals. Alcohol can cause long-term effects when used in excess of damaging the kidneys, stomach, and liver. Because alcohol is a by product of yeast-digestion it can have irritating effects on the lining of the stomach, the kidneys, and liver which can lead to serious health problems later down the road. Testosterone, the body's natural fat-burner, is decreased with the consumption of alcohol. Testosterone is a hormone that aids in the contribution of lean muscle gain (which will amp up your metabolism and get your bod nice and toned) so lowering testosterone with alcohol can inhibit your beach body remarkably.

Taking all the negative effects into consideration, there are some pluses to adding a glass of wine to your diet from time to time; however, the main point is don't over do it. Moderation is key, and keeping alcohol intake limited will help you reach your goals more sooner than later. Cheers!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's a Lifestyle Not a Trend

I know for many of us, we all wish that we could feel and look the way we want overnight. Shoot, I know I am guilty as charged; however, I am also aware that it is HARD WORK. It doesn't take a pill, injections, or a magic quick fix in order to get the body of your dreams... But what it does take is dedication, hard work, sweat, time, and the desire to what it takes to get you there.  With the New Year rising and having an excuse to get off the pity-pot I began researching what I was going to do to make myself feel more than 100% and not be able to talk myself out of taking care of myself. Currently I'm changing up my diet to be more of a Paleolithic diet. After reading all the benefits of it, why wouldn't someone want to sleep better, have more energy, clearer skin, less body fat, less risk of illness, the list went on and on! I am stubborn as an ox and am also guilty of looking for the easy way out, but not this time. I am determined to get on the right path and feel better inside and out. 

This time around I have a support system in tact that, hopefully, will hold me up when I am feeling weak. My boyfriend is totally aware of what goes into the Paleo diet quite frankly only because I can't stop talking about it, and he has agreed to help me stay in line. Tonight we went to the movies and he was like 'Oh.... you can't have popcorn can you?' No sir, that is not apart of my eating plan, and he never caught me reaching over to his snack or asking to share. He later let me know that his stomach hurt from eating the popcorn, and I then realized how grateful I was to be choosing a healthier route. (I did somewhat rub it in his face that my stomach felt fantastic, but not too much!)

What I've come to realize over the years is that in order to get results, we need to revamp our diet and lifestyle. In order to keep those results (or keep getting them) is to keep with a healthy lifestyle and habits we have created. We can't fall off our high horse or get lazy about it. When I get the results I want I won't be able to eat cheesecake or ice cream all day, everyday - it's not realistic. Healthy habits form healthy bodies, and my goal is to feel as good as I can both internally and externally as possible. We are what we eat and I don't want to be supersized or greasy - no thank you! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Resolutions...

Happy New Year!!

Hopefully everyone has been goal-oriented enough to begin the year out right with setting some new priorities to accomplish. If you have, *high-five* great job! If you haven't... yet... start brainstorming new ideas on where you want to take your life and what you want to accomplish this year to make it a great one. The nice thing about setting new goals, or resolutions, is they also don't have to come only once a year. (You can set goals and accomplish them ALL year long - once you have conquered one list, start making a new one!!) As I wrapped up 2012, I really felt .... unmotivated, uninspired, and ready for the new year to come so I can make some changes in my life for the better. Goals keep people motivated, on their toes, striving to work harder. Goals keep people accountable. I would recommend writing your goals down, and if you have more than one, you may notice that a lot of your goals are intertwined. Like for instance, if you hit one of your goals you will accomplish another one as well. Investigate and research what you need to to accomplish your goals. You can also track your progress by keeping a journal of what you have done and what you need to do to get there - I find this helps TREMENDOUSLY. Also, what makes you want to hit your goals? How important is it to you? Are you willing to put in the work, time, dedication? Just remember that; although, it may be hard you are worth it. 

After indulging in the holidays, everyone rushes to the gym for the first few weeks in January and then all of a sudden there is the quiet after the storm.... it's like you can almost hear crickets in the background compared to the lines waiting around machines in the weeks prior. Don't let yourself be one of the quitters! It takes 21 days to form a habit, so be patient with yourself, but don't fall off the edge either. If it were easy everyone would do it, and if you don't feel like you can do it on your own - find help! Research, investigate, call people you know who may have the information that is beneficial to you in reaching your desired goals. The information is out there, it's up to you to take the bull by the horns and get going!